Friday 31 May 2019

Stress And Anxiety 

Stress can be physical,psychological and environmental . Feelings of helplessness,loss of control,lose of function, loss of self esteem, and isolation can produce anxiety, as can a fear of dying. 

Techniques For Managing Stress and Anxiety 

Deep breathing: 

Diaphragmatic (Abdominal) Breathing is useful for managing stress.To practice diaphragmatic breathing,the person must place a hand on his abdomen , inhales deeply through the nose , holds the breath and exhaled through the pursed lips. 

Sharing your thoughts: 

By sharing your negative thoughts to your close person , you can lower the stress.Their prescence, support and caring attitude. Can alleviate distress and anxiety. 


Laughter releases endorphins which are natural pain relievers into the bloodstreams and cause relieve tension and anxiety and relax muscles. 


Massage can be used to relieve the anxiety and stress. Massage can be done through using scented oil and lotions

Pet(Animal assisted)Therapy: 

Interacting with animals can lower blood pressure and increased self esteem.


Spirituality speaks to the manner by which a person seeks meaning in his or her life.During stressful conditions , it may be useful to call on a spiritual and religious leader and to follow your religious practices to overcome the anxiety.

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